Create a Dockerized Application
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Log in to the Edge Signal platform
Navigate to the Applications section of the sidebar
Click on the New Application button (top right-hand corner of the page)
Enter the Application Name
Enter a meaningful Application Description (optional)
Select Application Type; in this case, Dockerized
Enter Default Docker Settings (optional)
Note: If you don't enter Default Docker Settings when creating an application, you will be asked for these settings each time you push a release for this application. If you would like to enter Default Docker Settings for this application at a later date, you can do so in the application details page.
If you wish to use a private docker repository, you must provide the registry address, registry username, and password.
Click the Create button
Once you have created your application, you will be taken automatically to the application details page
Note: You can edit the application description here, and update the docker settings.
To create a release for your application, click on the Releases menu to be brought to the Releases section
Click the Create Release button to create a release for your new application
If you previously set up default docker settings, these fields will already be populated for you
Choose a Release Version
Note: The Release Version should be in a numbers/decimals format - for example, 1.1.1 - and each release must have a unique version tag.
Choose a Repository Address, Image Tag, and Docker Run Flags if no defaults have already been configured
Note: Warning for Dockerized Applications: This tutorial uses a docker image built for ARM processors. If you have a device with an x86 processor, please find a proper image from this link:
Should you choose a Private Repository, put the switch to the ON position and enter the Registry Username, Registry Password, and Registry Address
Click the Create button
The release has now been added to your application
To see the release details, click the info icon under the Actions heading
If you wish to configure your application remotely without redeploying, you can create application settings here
Note: To use this Application Settings feature, you need to integrate the Edge Signal SDK into your application. For more details, please refer to the Edge Signal SDK documentation found here:
To reconfigure the Application Settings, click on the pencil icon under the Actions heading to open the dialogue
To delete your application settings, click the delete icon under the Actions heading
If you wish to delete this application, you must first remove all the corresponding releases. The Delete Application button under the application management section will then become active and ready for you to use
Note: Both dockerized and native applications are deployed in the same way, as shown in the Create Deployment quick start video and step-by-step guide