Device Detail
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By clicking on a registered device from the Devices list found in the MANAGEMENT section of the sidebar, you can access and, in some cases, edit device details.
The Actions button (top right-hand corner) allows you to either Create Deployment or Reboot Device
The Details menu tab: displays basic information such as device ID, online status, and IP address, as well as editable fields (click Edit button) such as Device type, Name, Device group, and Location
The Resources menu tab: provides a percentage overview of device CPU, RAM, and Disk usage
By clicking the Monitoring button you can navigate directly to the monitoring page for the device, where you can view more detailed CPU, RAM and Disk performance graphs with a filterable date range
The WiFi Settings menu tab: shows WiFi connection status (with a refresh button to update status display) of the device, includes a WiFi enable/disable button, and displays the current SSID connection
Configuration button allows you to change WiFi connection and password
The Deployment menu tab: shows info regarding the latest application deployment applied to the device including application name, version, status, and update info ONLY if a deployment has been applied
Clicking the Modify Deployment (or Create Deployment, if no deployment has been applied yet) button takes you directly to the Details and Deployment Management section for this device
Clicking the Deployment History button displays info regarding all applications deployed to the device including name, status, creation date, updated date
Clicking the actions icon takes you to the details of that particular deployment such as name, version, status, and also which device or device group it was deployed to, and details which application or applications were part of the deployment
The Group Deployment menu tab: indicates if the device is part of a group deployment and provides deployment details (name, version, status, when updated)
By clicking the Device Group button, you have the ability to edit basic group details, add or remove group devices, view group activity history, and remove the device group; you can also modify deployment by using the Actions button (top right-hand corner)
The Alerts menu tab: shows all alerts pertaining to the device and includes details such as the alert name, source, status, alert start and finish
The Activities menu tab: displays recent device activities eg. tunnel creation, deployment creation, etc and includes a View All option button
The Device Management menu tab: exposes a Remove Device button with 'irreversible action' warning