Register Device
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Log in to the Edge Signal platform
Navigate to the lefthand sidebar near the top of the SERVICES section where you’ll find the PROJECTS menu
Here you can either create a new project by clicking the + icon, or you can select an existing project in which to register your new device
Click Add new device (top right-hand corner of the page), which will generate a registration command that you will run on the new device
Click the copy icon to copy the command to the clipboard
Log in to your device, paste and run the command
Note: By default, the user will be prompted to specify the desired device privilege mode by entering Y or N. If the user would rather skip this step, they should add the following option to the command: -p or --privileged
See the examples below.
Original Command:
sudo wget -qO /tmp/ "" && sudo bash /tmp/ “token”
Modified Command with privilege:
sudo wget -qO /tmp/ "" && sudo bash /tmp/ -p y “token"
Modified Command without privilege:
sudo wget -qO /tmp/ "" && sudo bash /tmp/ -p n “token"
The device will require root user access for registration
Note: This may take several minutes as necessary dependencies are installed
If this device has been previously registered, you can use the previous configuration by typing Y for YES at the prompt and entering the relevant information
If not previously registered, type N for NO and enter a new device name
Next you will be prompted with the option to enter the device’s serial number
Note: Simply press Enter to skip the serial number option
Wait a minute or so as the remaining necessary dependencies are installed
Once registration is successful, you will see the new device appear in the device list
A status of unknown is only temporary, and will update momentarily
Should you decide to remove the device from your project, simply click on the device name to open the device details page
Scroll to the bottom of this page, and you will see a Remove Device button. Click this button to remove the device from your project